My mother-in-law Nancy (the tiny, white-haired woman on the porch) and I went in together to buy the house you see above. Joel and I are about to start renovating it for Nancy. She's going to be our neighbor, six doors down. We're all pretty excited about this upcoming endeavor. But before the renovation can take place, I have had to clean out the basement of this little house. The previous owners knocked $1,000 off the selling price because they had no intention of dealing with the basement full of junk.

As you can see, this was not a basement for the faint of heart.

Or stairs for the clumsy of feet.
In the process of clearing out the basement, I discovered several boxes packed to the bursting with books. The bulk of the selection are extremely cheap pulp romances of the formula type, though there's a mix of other picks from murder mysteries to helpful hints on living via the tenets of the Bible. I will be selecting books from the stash to read, contemplate, and review here. Some of these books I intend to share with blog readers as very silly giveaways. Others, I intend to inflict on friends and family as gag gifts. Still others, I hope to perhaps swap and trade locally for other titles that I am more interested in actually owning. We shall see what transpires.

My plan is to start with a stack of books I have selected as looking either particularly ridiculous, potentially funny, or actually legitimately amusing. I'll probably begin each book by basically skimming it to determine if I can actually bear with reading it. If it is just too fucking awful, I will simply post pictures of the cover, select some mockable excerpts, and just MST3K the shit out of the thing. If it is essentially readable, then I will read it and provide a legitimate review. Every entry will start out with a cover shot and photo of the blurb, if available, then my impressions of the book itself. Sometimes, I'm sure I will be pretty obnoxious about it. There will probably be cusses. This is to be expected, if you know much about how I roll. $25 dollar vocabulary and cheap-thrills profanity. I do hope you're not too delicate to handle it. Well, here's to a thrilling selection of throbbing members, trembling flowers, thrusting groins and heated loins. Should be a wild ride!
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